
The NBWRP is a coordinated effort of 11 municipal, water and wastewater agencies working together to address water supply shortages from a regional, watershed perspective by investing in diverse projects to offset potable demand.

From its inception in 2002, the Program has used a multiple-benefit approach – how to best serve the region’s urban, agricultural and environmental needs – to recycled water supply planning and has applied this from both the watershed and sub-regional perspective.  Through this approach, projects provide community benefits in two fundamental ways; each project reflects the priorities and needs of each local agency, while concurrently, and incrementally, contributing toward water supply reliability for all water users throughout the region.

The region faces long-term water supply challenges as existing surface and groundwater supplies are stretched to their limits. By providing a reliable recycled water supply, member agencies are able to serve diverse needs and help maintain the area’s high quality of life.

The NBWRP has planned treatment, storage, distribution and water management projects to meet the broadest possible end user needs and in doing so, have yielded significant value for the region’s infrastructure investment.  Examples of these multiple-benefit projects include:

  • Traditional community landscape applications
  • Year-round agricultural water supply
  • Support and management of groundwater basins
  • Riparian, wetland, waterfowl, aquatic habitats and other environmental benefits
  • Community recreation and open space amenities

The NBWRP has Two Phases 

Phase 1 has been Completed

Phase 1 is comprised of $104 million in projects including treatment, storage and distribution that deliver high-quality water for urban uses, premium wine grape production and restoration of tidal wetlands and wildlife habitat.

Phase 2 is Underway

Phase 2 has completed the planning stage and includes $80 million in projects.  These projects will build on Phase 1 infrastructure by increasing treatment, storage and distribution, support for groundwater management, environmental and community benefit projects – all with high-quality recycled water.

The NBWRP has the capacity to yield over 30,000 AFY of recycled water for the region. When fully implemented, Phase 1 and 2 will utilize a significant amount of this water through projects and water management opportunities that build long-term resiliency into the region’s water supply.

By working from a watershed perspective to develop and manage recycled water as new supply, the NBWRP serves as a model for how communities can work together to plan for self-sufficiency, build resiliency, and in turn, gain supply reliability using recycled water yielding a variety of benefits for multiple water users.