Program and Project Descriptions
Click here for information on the Phase 2 Draft EIR/EIS
Phase 1
The Phase 1 studies planning and engineering studies and environmental documents certified in 2009.
Study Alternatives
Program level analysis of three alternatives was cost efficient in providing initial environmental review. Phase 1 is comprised of six, multi-phased recycled water projects. Construction of Phase 1 projects is at 75% completion and expected to be fully implemented by 2018.
Environmental Review Allowed for Future Expansion
Phase 1 projects underwent environmental review at the Project level, which provides adequate detail to approve and construct the projects. There is also a Program level analysis of three alternative plans, called Alternatives 1, 2 and 3, which are incrementally larger than Phase 1. Program level analysis of the three alternatives was a cost-effective way to conduct the Program’s initial environmental analysis.
Phase 1 Recycled Water Distribution Projects
- New treatment, distribution and storage for the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitation District and North Marin Water District.
- Increased capacity at the existing Novato Recycled Water Treatment Facility, additional distribution and storage.
- Recycled water service in the Novato Central Service Area through relocation of the recycled water treatment Facility construction of a distribution system.
- Additional pipeline, and reservoir at Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District wastewater treatment plant, distribution to new users in Sonoma Valley.
- Pipeline to bring tertiary treated recycled water to two ponds in the Napa-Sonoma Marshes Wildlife Area for habitat restoration of the saline ponds.
- Napa Sanitation District and Napa County will expand capacity and distribution from the wastewater treatment plant to Napa State Hospital and further into the Milliken-Sarco-Tulocay area.
Phase 1 Water Supply Projects by the Numbers
The NBWRP incrementally builds resiliency into the region’s water supply as member agencies’ projects are brought online. As projects are completed, local communities begin to realize the benefits of recycled water as part of their reliable water supply.
Here are the numbers for all of the Phase 1 projects:
- Value of Phase 1 program: $104 million
- Percent of completion: 75%
- Water for irrigation: 3,800 AFY
- Water for habitat restoration: 1,700 AFY
- Miles of pipeline: 46
- Storage capacity: 100 AF