News About the North Bay Water Reuse Authority

Hollywood Film Makes Jack Black the Hero of Water Reuse in the Most Irreverent, but Surprisingly Effective Way…

WateReuse Association, 5/16/12

From the company that brought you An Inconvenient Truth, Food, Inc., and Waiting for Superman now comes an engaging documentary about our most precious resource…WATER!

The Last Call at the Oasis brings to light water problems in the United States and worldwide, exposes the defects in water systems, government policy and public perception, reeducates film goers about the water cycle, and singles out water reuse as a leading solution to the global water crisis.

The film doesn’t beat around the bush about the public perception challenges surrounding water reuse and uses every irreverent “toilet to tap” type phrase you could ever imagine. While most water reuse professionals may cringe at these scenes, the general public seems to take it for what it is and respond to the overarching message to “Get Over It.”

Below you will find a trailer from the movie featuring actor Jack Black, as well as a clip of Downstream – a new video presentation developed by the WateReuse Research Foundation to explain water reuse in the context of the urban water cycle.

Below you will find a trailer from the movie featuring actor Jack Black, as well as a clip of Downstream – a new video presentation developed by the WateReuse Research Foundation to explain water reuse in the context of the urban water cycle.

The Last Call at the Oasis
The movie opened this month in select theaters. To view the Jack Black trailer, click here. To learn more about the movie, visit their website.

Today’s technology makes water cleaner and safer. Downstream shows that water reuse is the key to a sustainable future. To view Downstream, click here.

To learn more about water reuse, visit

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WateReuse Association
1199 North Fairfax Street, Suite 410
Alexandria, VA 22314 USA